Saturday, November 26, 2005
Mother's Day
Anthony says to me this morning, "Mommy, I wish it was Mother's Day." When I asked why, he replied, "Because then Daddy and me could surprise you with breakfast. We'd make pancakes with honey... and sugar... and syrup... and powder (sugar)." That boy is often times thinking of others. What a sweet little man.
That said, Thanksgiving was great! We spent the night before at a friend's house for dinner, and we luckily were sent home with ALL of the leftovers!!! Wow! We then spent Thanksgiving Day at home relaxing, playing outside, washing the car, watching the parade, putting up Daddy's train under the tree, and enjoying our family. Very nice, indeed. I didn't have to prepare one thing for dinner- or lunch for that matter! :)
After burning a small fire in the fireplace on Friday, we did venture out for lunch and a little shopping. Juicy Burger is the best rival to FatBurger here, and they are tasting burgers. Russ did some Christmas shopping for the boys after lunch and during naps. He LOVES it!!
The boys today are getting haircuts, and we'll be taking their Christmas pictures for our cards tonight hopefully! I can't wait. I absolutely LOVE this time of the year, and I have found it so much easier to enjoy and celebrate the spirit while being home and not working. I felt too rushed and had to fit so much in to my days off and time that it went just too quickly last year. Thank God for these MANY blessings.
Starks is 5 months, and he weighs 11# 4 ounces as of last week. His medication was changed for reflux as his liver enzymes were up a little again. Pray for him. They are stressing me (GI Dr's) and are talking about an upper GI scope into the small bowel, another US of the abdomen, and a liver biopsy. I believe I just will have the repeat liver tests done and will pray about where to go from there depending on if they come down or not. Other than that, he's rolling all over the place, loves to be on his belly, sits with his hands down, and talks ALL of the time. Very happy little guy.
Anthony is reading. Chas is reading. What the? That's right, Chas is reading. He opened the closet and read "Taboo" off the game box! Crazy. Anthony reads all he can throughout the day "in our world" as he would put it. What a wonderful new found freedom. How exciting. Anthony also tied his shoes a couple of weeks ago. He's growing up. We knew it would happen, though... no one to blame!
Anthony will also be having his birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese in Deptford, NJ while we visit family. We'll be in the area from Dec. 31st- Jan 8th. Hope to see all of you there!
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