Monday, January 23, 2006

I love California!

I am overwhelmed at times with joy from the weather. It helps us to enjoy all of God's world, and it helps Mommy stay sane. I feel alive, free and just happier outside. I love watching the boys climb trees, swing, run, and play in this beautiful 60 something degree weather in January. They even played after Chas' nap- at 4:30- in flipflops outside again in the backyard. How lovely.

Then, Anthony goes upstairs to see Starks after he awoke from his nap, and Starks is STANDING in his crib holding onto the rail. What? How can it be? He went from his first crawl on Saturday to pulling himself to stand today?! Put the brakes on, please! He's so stinkin' cute. So, away went his crib bumper. This is just crazy.

Also, how can an L&D nurse, mother of 3 not be able to read her son? Starks has begun pulling at his hair? The boys never did that. Now, he's had a cold off and on for what seems like 2 months, but I know it's less. He is currently snotty. NO fever. Not sleeping very long. His naps are an hour or a little more, and he has been waking more often at night. I think it's probably teeth, but I'm not sure. In fact, I never knew it was teeth with the other two until I saw teeth poking through. It was then that I thought back to all of the cues! Anyway, I just want the booger man to get out of this house for good! I feel so bad for the boys and their snot.

Anyway, life is good here, so come and visit any time.

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