Sunday, April 09, 2006

Anthony GETS It

Well, today is Palm Sunday. Upon getting to church, we were given palms, and they were blessed outside before Mass. I let Anthony hold them, but I told both boys that needed to respect them- not tear, rip or twist. So, the boys did well during church, but as usual at the end, they were a little stir crazy. So, after the eucharist, I took Chas to pee, and I couldn't get back to my seat without bothering too many people (it was packed). Therefore, I sat in the row behind Anthony. I noticed him twisting and tying the palms, and I mouthed "NO" very plainly. I told him a second time. Then, after he noticed a little girl beside me ripping hers, he decided he'd do the same. It wasn't until 5" later when Mass ended that I saw what he had done- torn one piece off. Since he didn't listen to what I told him, I took away his coveted "Cow Milk" (Verizon Vanilla Milk) at Starbucks.

We did some grocery shopping, and suddenly when we were leaving, Chas had it in his mind we were getting Starbucks. I thought about it and decided that was OK, and Chas proceeded to say, "Anthony's not getting cow milk" repeatedly. Now, I stopped Chas and asked him if he was trying to make Anthony feel bad or good. He understood and admitted it was to make Anthony feel bad and stopped. When we walked in, they BOTH picked up milk. There was that split second that I thought I'd ignore my previous consequence since they behaved well in the grocery store, but I then realized I shouldn't. I explained to Anthony that he couldn't have any and his reply was "But I REALLY want some." I said no and paid for 1 cow milk. Chas went potty while I was waiting on my Cinnamon Dulce Decaf Latte (I LOVE THOSE!), and Anthony comes over to say the following:

"You know what, Mommy? I learned in Bible School that when you want something really, really, bad and someone else has it that you should be happy for them and not jealous. SO, I'm going to be happy for Chas."

Isn't he great? I could not praise him enough for his thinking. I love it.

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